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Table. 2.

Explanations about conductors, insulators, and semiconductors presented in university physics textbooks.

Category Contents General Physics Modern Physics
G1 G2 G3 G4 M1 M2 M3 M4
Description Present the standards of semiconductors as the value of bandgap
Explaining how difficult to cross the energy gap in insulators compared to semiconductors × × × ×
Explain the role of hole using analogies × × × × ×
Explain the conductor by dividing it into two types × × × × × ×
Illustration The shaded expression to the thermally excited state in semiconductor × × ×
The particle expression to the thermally excited state in semiconductor × × × × ×
Electrons and holes react to an external electric field in band illustration. × × × × × ×
Fermi level indication in bands of conductor, semiconductor, and insulator × × ×
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2021;71:1044~1057