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Table. 3.

Explanations about a doped semiconductor presented in university physics textbooks.

Category Contents General Physics Modern Physics
G1 G2 G3 G4 M1 M2 M3 M4
Description Present the value of energy gap between the donor (acceptor) level and the neighboring band
Explain that the net net charge of a doped semiconductor is zero × × × × ×
Explanation of majority charge carriers and minority charge carriers × × × × × ×
Illustration Indication of electrons and holes in the band model of doped semiconductor × × × ×
Mark a hole as a hollow circle × × × × ×
Display the bonding model and band model together × × × × ×
Multiple level display of donor and accepter energy level × × × × ×
Fermi level indication in band model × × × × × × ×
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2021;71:1044~1057