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Table. 1.

The Integrated Science topics covered, week-by-week for the fall and spring semesters.

Fall Spring
week Topics week Topics
1 Intro and course overview. Biology as computation. Central Dogma. 1 Graphs & networks. Sequence alignment.
2 Intro to probability and Bayesian analysis. Equilibria, energy, and steady state. The Lac operon as a paradigm for gene regulation. 2 Sequence search algorithms. Finding sequence motifs.
3 Classical and molecular genetics. 3 Bayesian inference, probability & Markov models.
4 Math primer. Introduction to computation and differential equations. 4 Phylogenetic trees. Computational grammar. Gene finding.
5 Linear algebra. The cell division cycle. 5 Determining protein and nucleic acid structure. EXAM 1.
6 Linear algebra. The cell division cycle. EXAM1 6 Protein structure. Enzyme mechanism. Dynamical systems.
7 Introduction to thermodynamics, entropy, temperature. 7 Enzyme mechanism. Dynamical systems. Cell structure.
8 Statistical mechanics. Chemistry of bonding. 8 Dynamical systems. Cell structure. Neuroscience
9 Statistical mechanics. Chemistry of cellular molecules. 9 Facial recognition. Population genetics. EXAM2.
10 Statistical mechanics. Cellular energy budget. Cooperativity. EXAM 2 10 Population genetics. Stochastic phenomena in biology. Symmetry breaking.
11 Diffusion. Gene regulation. Evolution of development. 11 Simulating stochastic processes. Evolutionary thinking.
12 Diffusion. Gene regulation. Membranes. 12 Evolution of development. History & origin of life.
13 Reaction-diffusion systems. Electrostatics. Thanksgiving! 13 Watch this space! EXAM3.
14 Capacitors. Photosynthesis, oxidation, reduction. ATP synthesis. EXAM 3.
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2022;72:125~134