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Table. 2.

Chapter titles and subtitles for lecture of ‘Frontiers of Science’.

Title Subtitle
A Sense of Scale Are humans big or small? The limits of perception: the scale of space. Beyond direct experience. The limits of perception: scales of time.
Discoveries on the Back of an Envelope Qualitative quantitative reasoning. De-sensationalizing the news. Questioning authority. The famous fermi problem. Estimating the unknowable. Sanity checks. Providing context. Perspective. Concluding thoughts.
Insights in Lines and Dots Types of graphs. Limits and uncertainties. Tricks and misrepresentations. So how many red quasars are there anyway?
Expecting the Improbable Probability defined. Rare things happen all the time. A mathematical definition of ”luck”
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics How not to lie with statistics. Accuracy and precision. Error and uncertainty.
Correlation, Causation ... Confusion and Clarity Correlation defined. Correlation applied.
What is Science? Truth and falsifiability. Data. Experiments and observations. Models. Theories. Assumptions. The self-correcting nature of science
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2022;72:125~134