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Fig. 4(Color online) The classification score for the fluorescent image shown in as an example of the residual neural network trained on LED image data. The result is ``score for label: tensor ([-1.72, 5.40, 10.31, 12.66, 15.53, 18.77, 20.25, 13.26, 5.67, 6.20, 0.86, -1.72, -1. 72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1. 72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72, -1.72], device=cuda:0, grad_fn=〈EluBackward0〉)".
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2023;73:685~692