Fig. 5. (Color online) Variation in peak positions ν¯[cm-1] and transmittance percentages T[%] across molecular chains from Octylbenzene (C8, Cn=8) to Nonadecylbenzene (C19, Cn=19). Transmittance from 0 to 100% is displayed using a blue(0)-red(100) temperature map. The three frequency regions are shown: 2800–3100 cm-1 on the left, 1400–1650 cm-1 in the center, and 600–1100 cm-1 on the right. Notably, peak positions remain nearly constant across different molecules. Interestingly, (except for two strong absorption blue lines around 2900 and 2800 cm-1) we observe a general trend of increasing transmittance (or decreasing intensity of absorption peaks) with increasing Cn (or carbon chain length).