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Table. 8.

Example of Group 3’s individual statement classification.

No. Speaker Listener Statement Category Code
#12 1 Entire Did you write down the items needed for the experiment design earlier? Question Q1
#13 3 1 Yes, I wrote them down here. Explanation E1
#14 1 Entire Let's include all the necessary items for the design based on this. Lead L1
#15 2 Entire Shall we start with a basic draft and then add more? Making Suggestion S2
#16 3 2 Yes, let’s write this first and then add items like materials and procedure. Making Suggestion S4
#17 1 Entire We might need to make the procedure more detailed. Making Suggestion S2
#18 4 1 We should add more details on how to measure and observe things, right? Making Suggestion S4
… (omitted) …
#79 3 Entire Our draft was really a mess. Off-Task OT
#80 1 3 Right, we didn't even write down the variables. Lead L2
#81 4 Entire Shall we summarize them at the bottom? Making Suggestion S2
#82 3 Entire We didn't write the question or what we want to find out either. Explanation E3
#83 2 Entire To write the hypothesis, we need to first state the questions or what we want to know. Making Suggestion S3
#84 1 2 Exactly. We started the experiment because we were curious about the phenomenon of the glass rod not being visible, so let's write that as the question. Receiving Opinion R4
#85 3 1 And the question and hypothesis are different. The hypothesis should include those variables. Making Suggestion S2
#86 1 3 By the way, what variable did we manipulate? Question Q3
#87 3 1 Since we added 100g of sugar each time, only the amount of sugar is the manipulated variable. Receiving Opinion R4
#88 1 Entire Let’s write it as the amount of sugar. Receiving Opinion R4
#89 3 Entire Is the glass rod invisible in the sugar solution because the refractive index is the same? Is that correct? Question Q3
#90 1 3 Yes. So the goal is to make a sugar solution with the same refractive index as the glass rod. Receiving Opinion R4
#91 2 1 Then it makes sense to use the amount of sugar as the manipulated variable. Making Suggestion S3
#92 4 Entire Then we can write the hypothesis. Explanation E3
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2024;74:788~801