Structure of survey tool.
Construct | Dimension | Category | Scale | Items | Reliability(α) |
Perceptions on teaching and learning by area |
Interest | FE, EM, LW, RG, QM | Likert | 5 | 0.863 |
Efficacy | FE, EM, LW, RG, QM | Likert | 5 | 0.846 | |
Necessity | FE, EM, LW, RG, QM | Likert | 5 | 0.734 | |
Importance | FE, EM, LW, RG, QM | Likert | 5 | 0.760 | |
Importance in the future | Nominal | 1 | N/A | ||
Perceptions on quantum physics in curriculum ( |
Motive | Curiosity, Career, Usefulness, College, Society | Likert | 5 | 0.843 |
Topic | Structure of Atom, Q_Phenomena, Q_Technology | Likert | 3 | 0.742 | |
Familiarity | Superposition, Entanglement, EPR, Q_computer, Q_cryptography, Q_sensor | Likert | 6 | 0.913 | |
Evaluation | Quantity, Difficulty, Expansion | Nominal | 3 | N/A |
* FE: Force & Energy, EM: Electricity & Magnetism,
LW: Light & Wave, RG: Relativity & Gravity, QM: Quantum & Microworld