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Table. 5.

Difference in perception for quantum physics education in school according to respondents’ teaching years.

Dimension Category 5 yrs or less (N=46) 6-10 yrs (N=38) 11 yrs or more (N=41) F p
Motive Curiosity 3.50 3.84 3.98 2.784 0.066
Career 3.98 3.84 4.02 0.172 0.842
Life 3.43 3.63 3.46 0.368 0.693
College 3.54 3.42 3.56 0.204 0.815
Society 3.98 3.71 3.73 0.884 0.416
Topic Structure of atom 4.04 3.92 4.27 1.825 0.166
Q_phenomena 3.85 3.84 3.88 0.016 0.984
Q_technology 3.61 3.50 3.71 0.283 0.754
Familiarity Superposition 3.09 3.24 3.47 1.170 0.314
Entanglement 2.78 3.05 2.98 0.636 0.531
EPR 2.37 2.66 2.83 2.011 0.138
Q_computer 2.41 2.89 2.85 2.149 0.121
Q_cryptography 2.13 2.61 2.76 3.565 0.031
Q_sensor 2.04 2.66 2.78 5.501 0.005
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2024;74:925~937