Fig. 7. (Color online) (a) The photograph depicts an NI 9217 RTD slot connected to RTD probes and an NI 9215 voltage module with no probe connected, mounted and operational within the cDAQ. (b) The main block diagram comprises two sub-logic controls. The main block diagram comprises a DAQmx channel node (analogue input), which directly controls the NI 9217 RTD receive module; a DAQmx timing node (sample clock), which generates a synchronous signal; a DAQmx stop node, which aborts signal acquisition; and a DAQmx eraser node, which clears the buffer.The sub-logic blocks located below the main block diagram comprise a node for visualising the waveform, a node for displaying the current time, and a loop period node. The sub-logic block located above the main block consists of the following components: a DAQmx read node to read the temperature value, an array node to process the waveform, a loop period node, and a Python node that manipulates ‘’ for the purpose of pushing each piece of information to the database. To ensure the operational correctness of the block diagram, the start and end of each DAQmx and Python session sequence were constructed outside of the sub-logic loop.