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Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) Schematic diagram of the shape of the blood vessels passing through the wrist and palm, the wearing positions of the two PPGs worn on the wrist and fingers, and the appearance of the aneurysm passing through those sites (Ref. 17). (b) Cross-sectional view showing the PPG sensor and measurement principle in the radial artery consisting of incident light LED and detector PD (Ref. 18). (c) A prototype of a smart SPBFV meter worn on the wrist and fingers. (d) The appearance and touch of PPG-1 and PPG-2 worn on the actual wrist and middle finger of LH. (e) Comparison of the appearance and waveforms of the two waveforms measured in PPG-1 and PPG-2.
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2024;74:1210~1217