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Table. 2.

The scientific inquiry models using open data proposed in previous research.

Research Target (topic) Duration Key stage Overview
Yoon & Kim [7] 1st-year science high school students (Interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean) 9 sessions Guidance on Learning and Understanding Big Data Guiding on the concept, usage methods, and programming languages related to big data
Problem Identification Discovering and defining significant problems
Establishing Big Data Utilization Strategy Planning detailed strategies and processes for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing big data for its effective use
Big Data Collection Selecting data and exploring providers, identifying big data file formats for collection and storage
Big Data Analysis and Visualization Performing data preprocessing, applying data mining methods, and using visualization tools to represent data in graphs, images, etc.
Deriving Problem- Solving Solutions Proposing problem-solving and response plans based on analysis results
Results Presentation and Feedback Organizing the process and results of big data utilization and incorporating feedback from teachers and peers
O'reilly et al. [14] University students (environment, climate, etc.) 3–4 hours per topic Part A Engage Exploring data initially and learning simple analysis functions using Excel.
Part B Explore Investigating what the appropriate analysis methods are
Explain Describing the meaning and implications of the data
Part C Elaborate Resolving personal inquiries and expanding on ideas
Evaluate Engaging in discussions and evaluating the learning process
Schubatzky, & Haagen- Schützenhöfer [24] Pre-service teachers (particulate matter) 4 hours Instructor's Guide Introducing the topic of fine dust and the TinkerPlots software, followed by a simple practice session
Open inquiry Question Creating inquiry questions, recognizing relevant variables, and forming hypotheses.
Analysis Choosing the appropriate data, generating graphs, and making transformations
Interpretation Analyzing and understanding the graphs
Conclusion Reaching conclusions and justifying them, considering uncertainty in the data
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2024;74:1258~1271