Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) 121Sb NMR spectrum obtained at 10 K at the external magnetic field of 5.716 T, using a frequency-sweep method. Two sharp peaks (labelled A and B) were clearly identified near at 57.7 MHz, but an extremely broad and nearly featureless background signal was detected. (b) Temperature dependence of the 121Sb NMR spectrum for
the two peaks A and B. (c) Knight shift K for the A and B peaks as a function of temperature. The Knight shifts are negative and their magnitude increases with lowering temperature until it is saturated below around 50 K. The magnetic susceptibility χ is drawn for comparison (right axis). (d) K versus χ, with temperature as the implicit parameter. The linear relation at high temperatures yields the upper limit of the hyperfine coupling constant Ahf=-51.7 kOe /μB.