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Table. 2.

Units and subjects of elementary physics experiments suggested by pre-service elementary teachers to be supplemented with AR.

Unit No. of students Topics of Content (No. of student)
Utilization of magnets 6 Magnetism (4), Compass (2)
Properties of sound 3 Generation of sound (2), Propagation of sound (1)
Weight of objects 11 Balance (7), Spring scale (3), Pan balance (1)
Shadows and mirrors 5 Mirror (4), Shadow (1)
Temperature and heat 11 Conduction (8), Convection (2), Thermal balance (1)
Movement of an object 4 Calculation of speed (3), The speed of an object moving the same distance (1)
Light and lens 45 Dispersion (17), Refraction in the lens(17), Refraction on the water (11)
Use of electricity 16 Electric circuit (14), Movement of electrons in a wire (1), Circuit analogy model (1)
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2025;75:65~73