npsm 새물리 New Physics : Sae Mulli

pISSN 0374-4914 eISSN 2289-0041


Research Paper

New Physics: Sae Mulli 2003; 47: 10-20

Published online July 1, 2003

Copyright © New Physics: Sae Mulli.

A Study on the Development of an Interdisciplinary Curriculum for the Nano-Science Major System in College

기초과학 활성화를 위한 나노전공 연계교과목 운영방안에 대한 연구

June Won HYUN1,* Yonghyun AHN2 and Cheong-Soo HWANG2, Seong-Wook LEE3, Hye-Eun CHU4

1Department of Applied Physics, Dankook University, Seoul 140-714
2Department of Chemistry, Dankook University, Seoul 140-714
3Department of Molecular Biology, Dankook University, Seoul 140-714
4Department of Science Education, Dankook University, Seoul 140-714



This study developes an interdisciplinary curriculum for the Nano-science major system in college within core natural science majors, e.g. physics, chemistry, and biology. The nano-science major, currently one of the major research areas in both applied and pure sciences, was considered as an alternate solution to the problem that many students, not only in college but also in high school and even in junior high school, tend to avoid studying science subjects as their majors nowadays. To support this research, we sent and collected questionnaires from 600 randomly selected students in three groups: science majors in college, in high school, and in junior high school. For the data analysis, SPSS/PC+ program, version 10.0, was used. This investigation revealed that after providing some fundamental information about nano-science to those who primarily answered that they had a negative impression about science subjects, 26.8 to 55.1% students among those groups showed significant interest in nano-science.

Keywords: Nano-science, Nano-majors, Interdisciplinary curriculum, Natural science education

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