Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
New Physics: Sae Mulli 2006; 52: 414-419
Published online April 1, 2006
Copyright © New Physics: Sae Mulli.
Myung Hee PARK1, Kwang-yol KAY2 and Bun Yeoul LEE2, Soonil LEE3* and Ken Ha KOH3
1NT · IT Fusion Technology Institute, Ajou University, Suwon 443-749
2Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University, Suwon 443-749
3Department of Molecular Science and Technology, NT · IT Fusion Technology Institute, Ajou University, Suwon 443-749
Correspondence to:soonil@ajou.ac.kr
We determined the complex refractive indices of terphenyl diamine (TD) and poly [(1,10-biphenyl)-4-amino-4-(2,3,4,5-tetraphenyl phenylene) benzene] (PBATPB), which are a new small organic small molecule and a new organic polymer, respectively, for blue light emitting diodes, via an analyses of the variable incident-angle ellipsometric spectra in the photon-energy range of 1.5 ~ 6.0 eV. We used the Jellison-Modine dispersion function and Bruggeman’s effective medium approximation and assumed a four-phase model for the air/film+void/film/substrate structure to take the surface roughness into consideration. The accuracy of the determined complex refractive indices was confirmed by comparing the measured transmittances, reflectances, and absorbances of TD and PBATPB films on glass substrates with the simulated transmittances, reflectances, and absorption coefficients, which were calculated using the determined complex refractive indices.
Keywords: Organic light emitting diode, Complex refractive index, Bruggeman’s effective medium approximation, Jellison Modine dispersion function.
유기발광다이오드의 청색 발광물질로 사용하기 위하여 합성한 Terphenyl diamine과 Poly [(1,1$^\prime$-biphenyl)-4-amino-4-(2,3,4,5-tetraphenyl phenylene) benzene]의 굴절계수 n과 소광계수 k의 값을, 1.5 $\sim$ 6.0 eV 광 에너지 영역에서 측정된 분광타원해석 스펙트럼을 분석하여 결정하였다. 분석에는 Jellison Modine 분산관계식을 Bruggeman의 유효매질이론과 더불어 사용하였으며, 표면 거칠기를 고려하여 공기/(박막+void)/박막/기층의 4상계 모델을 적용하였다. 결정된 광학상수의 정확성은 투과율, 반사율, 흡광도의 전산 시늉과 측정 결과의 비교로부터 확인하였다.
유기발광다이오드, 복소굴절률, 유효매질이론, Jellison Modine 분산관계식