Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
New Physics: Sae Mulli 2008; 57: 32-35
Published online July 31, 2008
Copyright © New Physics: Sae Mulli.
Seung-Yeon KIM*
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chungju National University, Chungju 380-702
Correspondence to:sykimm@cjnu.ac.kr
The exact number of states, Ω(E), of the square-lattice Ising model with a ratio of 9:4 between the nearest-neighbor interaction and the next nearest-neighbor interaction, as a function of energy E, is evaluated for the first time by using a microcanonical transfer matrix. Given the number of states, the exact partition function is obtained. The unknown properties of the model are investigated based on the zeros of the partition function. In particular, the critical points and the thermal scaling exponents of the model are obtained for the first time.
Keywords: Square-lattice Ising model, Partition function zeros
미소정준 전달행렬 방법을 이용하여 최근접 이웃 상호작용과 두 번째 최근접 이웃 상호작용의 비가 r=9/4인 사각격자 이징모형의 상태수를 정확하게 계산했다. 상태수로부터 분배함수 근들의 분포를 찾아내어 r=9/4인 사각격자 이징모형의 알려지지 않은 성질들을 밝혀냈다.
Keywords: 사각격자 이징모형, 분배함수 근