Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2018; 68: 552-556
Published online May 31, 2018 https://doi.org/10.3938/NPSM.68.552
Copyright © New Physics: Sae Mulli.
Seung-Yeon KIM1, Wooseop KWAK*2
Correspondence to:wkwak@chosun.ac.kr
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We numerically investigate the second-order phase transition of the ferromagnetic Ising model on a two-dimensional kagomé lattice. The critical behavior of this model is studied using Wang-Landau entropic sampling, and the joint density of states is obtained as a function of the energy and the magnetization. The partition function, which is a function of temperature, is calculated using the joint density of states. Using the partition function, we found a critical point and a thermodynamic function, such as the specic heat and the magnetic susceptibility, at the critical point, and by using finite-size scaling, we obtained the critical exponents in the thermodynamic limit, with those exponents satisfiying the hyperscaling relations.
Keywords: Ising model, Joint density of states, Kagomé lattice, Wang-Landau entropic sampling
이차원 카고메 (Kagomé) 격자 위의 강자성 이징 모형의 임계현상을 엔트로피 표본잡기(entropic sampling)를 이용하여 연구하였다. 왕-란다우 엔트로피 표본잡기(Wang-Landau entropic sampling)를 이용하여 얻은 에너지와 질서맺음변수(order parameter)의 결합 상태밀도(joint density of states)를 이용하여 온도의 함수인 분배함수(partition function)를 계산하였다. 분배함수를 이용하여 임계점(critical point)을 구하고 임계점에서 비열(specific heat) 등의 열역학 함수(thermodynamic function)를 얻었으며, 유한축적 법칙(finite size scaling)을 이용하여 열역학적 극한(thermodynamic limit)에서의 열역학 함수의 임계현상을 탐구하였다.
Keywords: 이징 모형, 결합 상태밀도, 카고메 격자, 왕-란다우 엔트로피 포본잡기