Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2020; 70: 383-389
Published online April 29, 2020 https://doi.org/10.3938/NPSM.70.383
Copyright © New Physics: Sae Mulli.
Dohwan KWON1, Gyu Ug KIM2*
1Department of Physics, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi 39253, Korea
Correspondence to:gukim@kumoh.ac.kr
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We have constructed an acousto-optically Q-switched 1064 nm Nd:YVO$_4$ laser pumped by using an 888 nm laser diode. Two LBO crystals were inserted into the cavity to generate the second (532 nm) and the third (355 nm) harmonics. The one side of the third harmonic crystal is Brewster-cut so that the 355 nm laser oscillates without passing through the output mirror. The maximum output power of continuous wave 1064 nm was obtained to be 23.4 W, when the laser diode power and the reflectivity of the output mirror were 78 W and 80%, respectively. And, the optical-to-optical conversion efficiency and the slope efficiency were measured to be 32.5% and 37.3%, with each other. As a result, we found that the 355 nm laser had an maximum output power of 6.1 W and a pulse width of 83 ns at a repetition rate of 40 kHz. The beam quality factor $M^{2}$ was measured to be $M_{x}^{2}$ = 1.150, $M_{y}^{2}$ = 1.178.
Keywords: Diode-pumped laser, Harmonic generation, Q-switching
888 nm의 반도체 레이저로 종펌핑하는 1064 nm Nd:YVO$_4$ 레이저를 구성하고 음향광학 효과를 이용해서 Q-스위칭시켰다. 2차 (532 nm) 및 3차 (355 nm) 고조파를 발생시키기 위하여 두 개의 LBO 결정을 공진기 내부에 삽입하였다. 3차 고조파 발생용 결정은 한 면을 브루스터 각으로 절단하여, 355 nm 레이저가 출력 거울을 투과하지 않고 발진하도록 하였다. 반도체 레이저 출력이 78 W이고, 출력 거울의 반사율이 80% 일 때 연속 발진 1064 nm의 최대 출력은 23.4 W이었다. 이때 광대광 변환 효율은 32.5%, 기울기 효율은 37.3%이었다. 그리고 Q-스위칭 반복률이 40 kHz일 때 355 nm의 최대 출력은 6.1 W, 펄스폭은 83 ns이었다. 빔 품질은 $M_{x}^{2}$ = 1.150, $M_{y}^{2}$ = 1.178로 측정되었다.
Keywords: 반도체 펌핑 레이저, 고조파 발생, Q-스위칭