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pISSN 0374-4914 eISSN 2289-0041


Research Paper

New Phys.: Sae Mulli 2024; 74: 739-745

Published online August 30, 2024

Copyright © New Physics: Sae Mulli.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of 87Rb in Rb2ZnBr4 Crystal on Temperature Change

Tae Ho Yeom1*, Sang Pyo Hong2

1Department of Energy Convergence Engineering, Cheongju University, Cheongju 28503, Korea
2Department of Environmental Engineering, Cheongju University, Cheongju 28503, Korea

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Received: March 15, 2024; Revised: June 16, 2024; Accepted: June 22, 2024

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The 87Rb nuclear magnetic resonance spectra are obtained in Rb2ZnBr4 crystals. The number of 87Rb resonance lines reflects the crystal symmetry and the crystal phases (incommensurate and paraelectric phases) of Rb2ZnBr4 crystal. The spin-lattice relaxation time of 87Rb nucleus in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal were measured on laboratory frame in the 180 to 420 K temperature range. The abrupt changes of T1 at 200 K and 347 K seem to be caused by structural phase transitions between ferroelectric and incommensurate phases and between incommensurate and paraelectric phases of Rb2ZnBr4 crystal, respectively. The temperature dependence of the 87Rb relaxation time in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal is in accordance with the Raman processes between TC1 and TC2. The chemical shift of the 87Rb NMR spectra in the sample crystal is also discussed.

Keywords: Rb2ZnBr4 crystal, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Phase transition, Relaxation time

As a member of the ferroelectrics A2BX4 compounds, Rb2ZnBr4 crystals have attracted a strongly increasing attention for the last several years. The existence of incommensurate phases of the crystal is highly intriguing[1]. These phases are reported to create two or more periodicity simultaneously, which are incommensurate to each other. This incommensurate phase occurs as an intermediate phase between a low-temperature commensurate and a high-temperature normal phase, both having ordinary crystal structures. The incommensurability implies a loss of periodicity in one or more directions of the crystal lattice[2].

The crystals undergo a sequence of phase transitions (PT) under varying temperature[3-7]. When cooled, Rb2ZnBr4 crystals undergo a second-order phase transition from a paraelectric orthorhombic to an incommensurate orthorhombic phase at TC2 = 347 K, and a first-order transition from the incommensurate to the ferroelectric commensurate phase at TC1 = 200 K[8-11]. Besides these phase transitions, Rb2ZnBr4 crystals undergo three more phase transitions at TC3 = 108 K, TC4 = 80 K, and TC5 = 50 K at lower temperatures. In case of Rb2ZnBr4, however, there are reports of inconsistencies concerning the phase transition temperatures and even the existence itself for certain transitions[12, 13]. Rb2ZnBr4 has orthorhombic symmetry from the melting point down to liquid helium temperature. However, below 347 K, the lattice is deformed by incommensurate displacement waves, and these incommensurable structures have gained considerable interest over the past years[14].

The space group of the high temperature paraelectric phase is D2h16-Pmcn and the space group of the low temperature ferroelectric phase is C2v9-P21cn. Rb2ZnBr4 has been found to show antiferroelectricity along the b-axis in the phase from 80 K to 108 K and ferroelectricity along the a-axis below 200 K[15, 16]. The properties of crystals with incommensurate phases are very sensitive to impurities and other lattice defects. This is especially true for molecular and ionic crystals of Rb2ZnBr4, where interatomic forces in the ZnBr4 tetrahedron are strong, while the chemical bonds between Rb+ ions and the ZnBr4 tetrahedra are weak and sensitive in the crystal lattice[17].

In the presence of nuclear quadrupole interactions, NMR has proven to be both sensitive and accurate in investigating incommensurate phases. It investigates the local environment of the nucleus through the interactions of quadrupole moments and electric field gradients at individual lattice sites[18]. The numbers of nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) frequency for 81Br nuclei in Rb2ZnBr4 can be different depending on the phase of Rb2ZnBr4[13]. The statics and dynamics in incommensurate Rb2ZnBr4 has been investigated by 87Rb NMR[18]. Blinc et al.[1, 19-21] reported the 87Rb NMR line shape and the distributions of electric field gradient (EFG) tensor of Rb nuclei in the paraelectric, incommensurate, and ferroelectric phases of Rb2ZnBr4 crystals. In addition to this, several more papers studying the 87Rb nuclei in Rb2ZnBr4 have been published[22-24].

NMR measurements on nuclei is very helpful for investigation of local structure and the dynamics of the incommensurate phase. In this paper, two sets of 87Rb NMR spectra in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal are analyzed. The temperature dependence of the 87Rb nuclei in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal and spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) within the laboratory coordinate system is studied in the paraelectric, incommensurate, and ferroelectric commensurate phases of Rb2ZnBr4. The chemical shifts and the relaxation mechanism of the 87Rb NMR spectra are also discussed in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal.

When the temperature decreases, the paraelectric phase, in the space group Pmcn, transforms into the incommensurate phase at TC1 = 347 K, and further into the ferroelectric phase, in the space group P21cn, at TC2 = 200 K. The lattice constants in the paraelectric phase have been reported as a = 7.679 Å, b = 13.386 Å, and c = 9.753 Å at 373 K[25]. The structure of Rb2ZnBr4 is shown in Fig. 1. The average unit cell of the crystal is orthorhombic and has four formula units with two sets of chemically inequivalent Rb atoms and four ZnBr4 tetrahedral groups considered as rigid entities. The incommensurate modulation occurs along the c-axis in the incommensurate phase, and the commensurate superlattice is recovered in the ferroelectric phase with a period of 3c. Spontaneous polarization occurs along the a-axis. The unit cell in the paraelectric phase has 8 Rb ions belonging to two chemically inequivalent sites: RbI and RbII. The RbI sites lie on the pseudohexagonal and RbII sites on the pseudotrid axes. All Rb sites have site symmetry m. Rb2ZnBr4 melts at 753 K[26].

Figure 1. (Color online) Structure of Rb2ZnBr4 single crystal in orthorhombic phases. The interlattice vacancies between the isolated tetrahedral ZnBr4 units are filled with Rb cations. The white balls represent Zn cations and the black balls designate Br anions.

Rb2ZnBr4 single crystals were grown through slow evaporation of aqueous solutions by making RbBr and ZnBr2 into aqueous solutions at a molar ratio of 2:1. The crystals were colorless though not completely transparent and were selected for our experiment. The directions of the single crystal axes were determined through an X-ray spectrometer.

The NMR spectra of the 87Rb nuclei in Rb2ZnBr4 crystals were obtained using the Bruker FT NMR spectrometers (DSX 400) at the Korea Basic Science Institute. A 9.4 T magnetic field was applied, and the rf frequency of the 87Rb nucleus was set to 130.93 MHz. The spin-lattice relaxation time was observed using πtπ/2 pulse sequences. The nuclear magnetization of the 87Rb nucleus was obtained from the inversion recovery sequence at time t after the π pulse. NMR data were obtained for 87Rb nuclei in Rb2ZnBr4 with temperature variations of 180 to 420 K. The inversion-recovery methods related to spin-echo sequences and phase cycling are applied. The width of the π/2 pulse is set to 2 μs, and in particular, close to Ti, the repetition time is selected as about 2 s to avoid heating the sample.

Figure 2 shows the inversion recovery traces for 87Rb nuclei in Rb2ZnBr4 when the delay time t varies from 1000 ns to 2 s at 300 K. The y-axis shows the relative magnetization according to the delay time. The typical NMR spectra of 87Rb in a Rb2ZnBr4 crystal are obtained at 300 K and represented in Fig. 3 when the static magnetic field is in parallel to the crystallographic c-axis. The spectrum is a Fourier transform (FT) of free-induction decay for the 87Rb NMR. The 87Rb NMR spectrum is shifted from the operating frequency ω0/2π = 130.93 MHz due to the chemical shift. Not all but only some of the resonance field lines can be excited to measure T1, as it is impossible to homogeneously excite all resonant lines due to the large quadrupole splitting between the lines.

Figure 2. (Color online) The inversion recovery traces with delay time variation for 87Rb nucleus at 300 K.

Figure 3. (Color online) Typical NMR spectra of 87Rb in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal at 180 K. The resonance spectra consist of two physically inequivalent 87RbI and 87RbII nuclei sites.

Energy levels of a 87Rb nucleus (I = 3/2) can be split into 4 energy levels (3/2, 1/2, -1/2, -3/2) because nuclear quadrupole separation is due to nuclear quadrupole interactions with electric field gradients. The electric quadrupole moment of a 87Rb nucleus is Q=+0.132×1024 cm2. Then, three 87Rb nuclear magnetic resonance lines in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal can be obtained between the adjacent energy levels. One central resonance line (-1/2+1/2) shows a strong intensity and two satellite lines (-3/2-1/2, +1/2+3/2) show a relatively weaker intensity. If the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal has only a single type of chemically equivalent 87Rb nucleus, a central resonance line and two satellite lines should be observed. However, 6 resonance lines of the 87Rb nuclei (natural abundance: 27.835%) were observed in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal as shown in Fig. 3. The following discussion suggests a reason why 6 resonance lines have been obtained instead of the usual 3 resonance lines.

The unit cell in a Rb2ZnBr4 crystal contains eight Rb ions. The eight Rb nuclei can be distinguished into two chemically inequivalent sets, RbI and RbII. Each RbI and RbII nuclei have four magnetically equivalent Rb nuclei, respectively. We thus may expect to see six Rb nuclear magnetic resonance lines of Rb nuclei in Rb2ZnBr4; 3 lines from RbI and another 3 lines from RbII considering the Rb2ZnBr4 crystallography. The six resonance lines obtained in our experiments have definitely originated from the two chemically inequivalent 87Rb nuclei, not from the quadrupole splitting of 87Rb nucleus in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal. The six resonance lines are divided into three resonance lines named the RbI site and three resonance lines named the RbII site. The intensity of the resonance line is not perfectly symmetric because it is practically impossible to excite all of the 6 resonance lines equally. The zero point of frequency axis in Fig. 3 shows the resonance frequency ω0/2π = 130.93 MHz, of the bare 87Rb nucleus.

The temperature variation data of the 87Rb NMR spectrum in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal are measured at 25 different temperatures between 180 K and 420 K. Only the NMR spectra of 320 K – 350 K, at around TC2 = 347 K, for RbI and RbII nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal are shown in Fig. 4. The y-axis shows the relative intensity of the Rb NMR spectra. We obtained six nuclear magnetic resonance lines of the Rb nuclei in Rb2ZnBr4; three lines from RbI and another three lines from RbII below TC2. The line splitting between the satellite and central resonance lines of both RbI and RbII sites was found to decrease as temperature increases over all temperature ranges as shown in Fig. 4. This means that the quadrupole interaction of the 87Rb nucleus decreases and the electric field gradient of the 87Rb atoms changes with increasing temperature. The central resonance line, coming from the transition between 1/2 and -1/2, is not affected by nuclear quadrupole interaction, unlike the satellite resonance lines. The decreasing quadrupole interaction with increasing temperature observed in our empirical results can be predicted by the Bayer theory[27-29] because the vibration amplitude of a rigid body increases as temperature increases.

Figure 4. (Color online) Temperature variation of NMR spectra for 87Rb in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal.

For increasing temperatures, three resonance lines for each RbI and RbII sites combine into a single resonance line for each site. In the paraelectric phase (T>TC1), only two sets of lines for the 87Rb nucleus, one line from RbI and another line from RbII, are observed. When the crystal is cooled below TC1, however, the splitting of these two sets of lines is observed in each of the RbI and RbII sites. The NMR line splitting between the central resonance lines of the RbI and RbII nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal at 320 K, 330 K, 340 K and 350 K are 11.719 kHz, 11.523 kHz, 11.313 kHz, and 11.035 kHz, respectively. Namely, the splitting of the resonance lines between RbI and RbII nuclei slightly decreases as temperature increases. This reveals that the difference between the RbI and RbII sites in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal decreases with increasing temperature. It is predictable that lower crystal symmetry goes to the higher symmetry at higher temperatures. The line widths for the 87RbI and 87RbII nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal were 2.02 kHz and 2.37 kHz at 350 K, respectively. The spectra of the 87RbI and 87RbII sites in Fig. 4 are shifted by 2.873 kHz and 13.908 kHz from the operating frequency ω0/2π = 130.93 MHz, respectively, because of the chemical shift.

Chemical shifts of the 87Rb nucleus in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal are displayed in Fig. 5 in the temperature change range of 180 to 400 K. The nuclear magnetic resonance frequency of the 87Rb nucleus embedded in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal is different from that of the ‘bare’ nucleus because of the diamagnetic effect of the electronic charge around 87Rb and polarization of the electronic shells when a magnetic field of 9.4 T is applied. This chemical shift shows different values for different chemical compounds and also depends on the surrounding electrons around the nucleus[30, 31]. The frequency shift (blue circles) of the central line for RbI NMR spectra in Fig. 5 continuously increases when temperature is increased up to 420 K. However, the frequency shift (red circles) of the central line for the RbII NMR spectra continuously decreases with increasing temperature. The discrepancy between the chemical shifts of the RbI and RbII NMR Spectra is reduced as temperature increases as displayed in Fig. 5.

Figure 5. (Color online) The NMR chemical shifts for both 87RbI and 87RbII nuclei in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal with temperature variation. The reference frequency was set to ω0/2π = 130.93 MHz for 87Rb.

In order to analyze the spin-lattice relaxation time for the 87Rb nuclei (I = 3/2) in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal, only the central resonance line for 87RbII in a Rb2ZnBr4 crystal was excited due to the large line splitting. Spin-relaxation time was calculated from the magnetization of the 87RbII nuclei in the temperature range 180 K – 420 K. The T1 values obtained by excitation of only one line and excitation of all lines are theoretically equivalent. When only the central transition of 87RbII in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal is considered, the saturation recovery function would have been given by[32, 33]:


where W1 and W2 represent the 87Rb nucleus transition probabilities, and S the nuclear magnetization after saturation.

The magnetization recovery trace for 87Rb is set from the time evolution of magnetic resonance spectra for the delay time and was obtained by an inversion recovery method, where inversion recovery traces depend on the delay time. The recovery traces of the 87RbII resonance line with dominant quadrupole relaxations in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal can be expressed by the two exponential functions. The relaxation times of the 87RbII nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal were obtained from Eq. (1). The temperature variation T1 for 87Rb in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal is displayed in Fig. 6.

Figure 6. (Color online) Temperature variation of 87RbII NMR spin-lattice relaxation times in Rb2ZnBr4 crystal.

The relaxation times of the 87RbII nucleus in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal undergo drastic changes at about 200 K and 347 K, indicating abrupt changes in the spin dynamics at those particular temperatures in Fig. 6. This sharp discontinuity of T1 at about 200 K and 347 K agrees very well with the phase transition TC1 (200 K) between the ferroelectric and the incommensurate phase and the phase transition TC2 (347 K) between the incommensurate and the paraelectric phase, respectively. As shown above, the temperature dependent variation of the spin-lattice relaxation time reflects the phase transition phenomenon in a Rb2ZnBr4 crystal well.

One of the main contributions for spin-lattice relaxation mechanism for a nucleus with a nuclear spin of 1 or greater than 1 could be the interaction of lattice vibrations and nuclear quadrupole moments. The coupling can generally be represented by a spin-lattice Hamiltonian[30]. At temperatures significantly beneath the melting point of the crystal, it can be reasonably assumed that the thermal stress must be small and the first few parts are important. The first-order term shows a direct process and the next second-order term is Raman process. The Raman processes show that the reciprocal of the spin relaxation time is in proportion to T2[34].

The T1 values of 87Rb in Rb2ZnBr4 decrease with increasing temperature between TC1 and TC2 as displayed in Fig. 6. The tendency is reasonable because the lattice oscillations become more active as the temperature of the crystal increases, resulting in shorter relaxation times. The T1 values for the 87Rb nuclei can be explained by the relaxation mechanism caused by the lattice vibrations associated with the quadrupole moments. The relaxation rate (1/T1) of the 87RbII nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal is proportional to T2. Therefore, the dominant relaxation mechanism of the 87Rb nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal is due to the coupling of thermal fluctuations of the local EFG with quadrupole moments via Raman process. Since our measurement used crystal samples with no appreciable impurities, it can be said that our experimental results show an intrinsic relaxation process in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal. In conclusion, the spin lattice relaxation of the 87Rb nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal seems to be originated mainly from Raman process in incommensurate phase between TC1 And TC2.

The nuclear magnetic resonance of 87Rb nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal has been explored in the temperature range 180 K – 420 K by a FT NMR spectrometer. Six nuclear magnetic resonance lines of the 87Rb nuclei (natural abundance: 27.835%) in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal are obtained as a function of temperature below TC2 in our experiment. The 6 resonance lines turned out to be originated from the RbI site having 3 lines (1 central and 2 satellite nuclear magnetic resonance lines) and the RbII site having another 3 resonance lines in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal. These two sets of 87Rb NMR spectra have definitely originated from the two chemically inequivalent 87Rb sites, not from the quadrupole splitting of 87Rb nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal.

The six NMR lines of RbI and RbII sites in Rb2ZnBr4 merge into two NMR lines (one line from the RbI site and the other from the RbII site) above TC2. However, one line from the RbI site and the other from the RbII site are split into three lines each in the incommensurate (below TC2) and ferroelectric phase (below TC1). The quadrupole interaction of 87Rb nucleus decreases and the EFG at the 87Rb atom changes with increasing temperature. The decreasing quadrupole interaction of 87Rb nucleus with increasing temperature observed in our empirical results can be supported by the Bayer theory. Chemical shifts of the 87Rb nucleus in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal are observed with temperature variations of 180 K – 400 K. The frequency shift from the reference frequency depends on the sample temperature and moves continuously.

Spin-relaxation time of 87RbII nuclei in the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal was calculated according to the temperature change between 180 K – 420 K. The relaxation time of the 87Rb nuclei undergoes abrupt changes near both 200 K and 347 K, which indicates the occurrence of phase transitions. These two sharp discontinuities at 200 K and 347 K in our study agree well with the phase transition temperatures TC1 (between ferroelectric and incommensurate phases) and the phase transition temperature TC2 (between incommensurate and paraelectric phases) of the Rb2ZnBr4 crystal. The dominant relaxation mechanism of 87Rb nuclei can be explained by the combination of the lattice oscillations to the nuclear electric quadrupole moments via the Raman spin-phonon process between 200 K and 347 K.

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